Eco Church
St Matthew's Church officialy holds a Bronze Eco Church award from A Rocha UK! Eco Church is a community of churches working together to take practical steps to live out our call to sustain and care for God's wonderful creation as writen in the Bible.
The Eco Church framework considers the following areas of church life:
- Worship and teaching
- Buildings
- Land
- Community and local engagement
- Lifestyle
At St Matthew and St Luke, we are incrediby proud of our efforts to safeguard God's creation. We actively recycle, our churchyard is maintained in ways that are sensitive to nature and local wildlife, we recently installed a new energy efficient boiler reducing our gas usage, the church has energy efficient lighting, and the churchyard is home to an apiary managed by Millbrow Beekeeping Association. Wondering how you can get involved? Look out in our weekly pew sheets for practical advice on how you can do your bit by reducing your carbon footprint at home!
Our efforts contribute to The Church of England's aim to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030. We're thrilled with our bronze award and are already setting about working towards the silver award!