02/07/2024 0 Comments
Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 12th December 2023
Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 12th December 2023
# News

Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 12th December 2023
As always, we began our meeting with our usual service.
Due to various reasons, we didn’t have as many at the meeting as usual, but that didn’t deter us from having a very enjoyable time with party games and a delicious supper.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday the 9th of January 2024 at 7:30 pm. This will be our Annual General Meeting where Subs will be due. This year they are £30 and the money goes to help the work of the Mothers’ Union worldwide and at home.
All indoor members and members received an email from our worldwide president Sherman Harper, which has also been included with the indoor members' Christmas card.
Our branch would like to send Christmas greetings to you all. May 2024 bring peace and happiness to the world.
Margaret Lees