02/07/2024 0 Comments
Mothers' Union Meeting AGM Report: 9th January 2024
Mothers' Union Meeting AGM Report: 9th January 2024
# News

Mothers' Union Meeting AGM Report: 9th January 2024
As always we began our meeting with a service led by Margaret with a reading by Gwyneth.
The meeting began with Val reading the minutes of the last AGM meeting held on the 10th January 2023 which were approved. There were no matters arising.
Val then gave a synopsis of the year's events.
June reported on our bank statements of expenses. Our donations:
- £150 to MU Manchester Development fund
- £100 to “Away From it All”
- £50 to “Make a Mothers’ Day” project
- £50 to MU “Summer of Hope” project
- MU Bags of Love (a Branch project) cost £47.30
- Use of Church for branch meeting £120
- Speaker/ Branch expenses £52
- Indoor Members Christmas gifts £15
Our income:
- Annual MU branch fees - £255
- Fundraising (home bake stall) - £161.64
- Donations (including £100 from the family of Richard Bailey) - £134
June thanked Gwyneth for auditing the accounts.
The election of officers was then held. All officers were willing to stand again, so an election was not needed.
Reports were then given regarding Flower Bowl, Cradle Roll, Cards, and IMPC.
As there was no other business, the meeting closed with prayers at 8:40 pm. Our next branch meeting will be held on February 13th at 7:30 pm.
Margaret Lees