02/07/2024 0 Comments
Pew Sheet: Week Commencing 11th March
Pew Sheet: Week Commencing 11th March
Pew Sheet: Week Commencing 11th March
# Pew Sheets
Published by Max Butterworth on Monday, 11 March 2024 22:01

Pew Sheet: Week Commencing 11th March
This week's pew sheet is packed with notices! You can read it by clicking here.
Our APCM is scheduled for Wednesday 17th April at 7 pm in church. If you wish to nominate yourself for the role of Churchwarden, Deanery Synod Representative or PCC Member, please fill in the relevant form, which can be found at the back of church, and hand it to the Duty Warden. Note also that the church Electoral Roll is due to close on 31st March, so if you are a regular attendee at St Matthew and St Luke and would like to have a vote in parish elections, make sure you sign up by the closing date!